by Ozero Solutions | August 9, 2023 | Blog
Trois-Lacs is a body of water that borders the municipalities of Val des Sources, Tingwick and Wotton, in the Val-des-Sources region. In recent years, it has been almost impossible to navigate this lake due to the pervasiveness of Eurasian watermilfoil, an invasive aquatic plant, which appeared around 2016. This extremely invasive plant roots in the depths of bodies of water – up to 10 meters – and whose stems float on the surface.
In 2023, water milfoil was found in varying densities almost everywhere in the third lake and observed in the second. The consequences are disastrous—nautical activities are impracticable, the aquatic habitat has been altered, and the local flora has been destroyed.A STRATEGY FOR CONTROLLING EURASIAN WATERMILFOIL
Summer after summer, this situation had grown worse. The Regional County Municipality of des Sources and its residents, therefore, decided to take the bull by the horns by initiating several strategies and taking action to fight against this invasive plant. “A pilot project for a watercraft washing station was launched in response to the introduction of Eurasian watermilfoil,” said Sarah Thibeaudeau-Gosselin, Project Manager of the Trois-Lacs Intermunicipal Board of Restoration and Preservation (RIRPTL). Ozero Solutions was a partner.
Boaters were disembarking without washing their boat and without knowing the lake. The watercraft therefore passed through areas infested by Eurasian watermilfoil and their propellers cut the plant. This clogs the engines. The debris then sticks to paddle boards, kayaks or wakeboards, and contaminates other lakes if the owner has not adequately cleaned their watercraft before future return to the water. This behaviour accelerates the spread and destruction of habitat.
The fight did not end there. The Trois-Lacs residents association invested time and energy in the intensive uprooting of the watermilfoil, whether by freediving or scuba diving. Upstream, in 2022 the municipality approved the installation of a fiberglass canvas/netting at the bottom of the water over an area of 5000 m2 to provide a physical barrier preventing the growth of invasive plants.
Raising awareness among boaters is crucial. “The population lacks awareness. Once again this year, very low traffic was observed at the cleaning station,” Sarah admits. She notes that the majority of boats are launched at another municipal ramp or from private docks without the boats first being cleaned.
People are reluctant and balk when asked to pay for a wash. “With climate change, we certainly need to adopt new lifestyles and good practices, such as washing boats and limiting speed. This is essential for the survival of our lakes in Québec,” she stated. It’s also important to note that the economic costs are significant for the municipality and residents. By acting more prudently, we limit financial losses and the devaluation of houses around the lake.
Decontamination and watercraft washing stations are simple actions and, without a doubt, the best solution to protect lakes from invasive species. In terms of the environment, bass spawning grounds and pike habitat are preserved, overall biodiversity is supported, and water quality is preserved. “We want to integrate a permanent washing station when the boats converge better towards the municipal boat ramps,” Sarah says. The benefits are immense, and the effort is worth it!
Ozero Solutions provides an innovative, turnkey formula to decontaminate not only watercraft hulls and trailers but also the internal piping. It’s an essential safety measure to improve the swimming experience and resort activities, but above all, to limit environmental degradation. Washing watercraft has a purpose and is a source of hope for generations to come!